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Precious Jewel Ministries Worldwide is a parachurch ministry that operates alongside local churches. We partner with churches to plant Kingdom-focused congregations as led by the Lord.

While the ministry predominantly focuses on raising up women as leaders, we are involved in the edification of the entire body of Christ and building societies according to God’s standards. We partner with missions to reach the lost, so we minister to both genders.

Women’s leadership is at the core of our ministry. This calling is rooted in God’s original design for women before the fall of mankind, as seen in Genesis 1:26-28 and 2:18. The ministry of the “helper” extends from the home to the city gates. Women lead at all levels, and Christ’s death and resurrection have restored them to God’s original intent.

We host an online women’s leadership fellowship every Wednesday to develop the spirit, soul, and body of women worldwide. We are also launching a leadership school for women and other fellowships for the edification of the body of Christ and societies.

There are many variations of passages of available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

Women are not competing with men but complementing them in God’s Kingdom agenda to enhance our world and the Church. We do not compete with local churches but aim to complement their work with a clear understanding of the importance of women in leadership, societal reformation, and transformation alongside their male counterparts, with respect and dignity.

Rev. Juliet Ovie-Binitie received this calling from God in August 1992 and was asked to close the books until 1999. Despite opposition from leaders who lacked understanding of a parachurch ministry’s purpose, her steadfastness has brought the work to where it is beginning to show up as a solution to the myriad confusions many women face in finding direction and purpose in God. She reaches out to the body of Christ to be more effective in discipling people and nations

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